Workplace Harassment Policy
An expert from the University of Windsor says at least 40% of Canadians have experienced one or more acts of bullying in the workplace. Jacqueline Power says these incidents include withholding information from a person, excluding people from meetings, threats and intimidation.
All workplaces in Ontario regardless of size are required to have a workplace harassment policy and a program in place to implement and maintain the policy.
Does your workplace have a policy and program in place to prevent this?
Part of your duties as an employer includes ensuring that all workers enjoy a harassment free workplace. When workers feel safe, they are happier and more productive.
If you don't currently have a policy, we can develop one for you to ensure you are meeting government standards.
If you already have a policy, we can examine it and make any changes necessary for it to be compliant with the standards.
For example:
Does your policy and program cover harassment from all sources such as customers, clients, employers, supervisors, workers, strangers and domestic/intimate partners? Does it cover how the employer will investigate and deal with incidents or complaints of workplace harassment?
These are just 2 of the 9 standards which all workplace harassment policies and programs must meet.
Call us now and let us help make your workplace safe and harassment free. One of our professionally certified consultants can develop a policy for you.